Leafblade started out as one of Daniel Cavanagh’s (Anathema) solo projects. Nowadays he plays behind the scenes with Sean Jude (guitars/vocals) and Kevin Murphy (bass) taking centre stage. Ghost Cult caught up with the ever eloquent Sean Jude to quiz him about The Kiss Of Spirit And Flesh, the latest Leafblade album.Continue reading
Tag Archives: Anathema
Echoes from A Distant Past – An Interview With Amplifier
Amplifier and the music industry, it’s a stormy affair to say the least. Two years after the release of The Octopus Sel Balamir and co. are gearing up to release their latest effort, entitled Echo Street; it’s a very different affair with quite a story attached to it. Ghost Cult caught up with Sel to discuss the latest developments in the Amplifier camp…Continue reading