Melvins Covers Album – “A Future of Bad Men: a Melvins Tribute” is Out Now


Purveyors of great underground Metal bands, Black Donut Records, has released A Future of Bad Men: a Melvins Tribute, to one of America’s greatest Sludge and Doom bands, Melvins. With a 250 copy, limited edition release, the album features stalwart bands of the stoner/doom/psychedelic scene such as Night Goat, Grizzlor, Doctor Monster, Olde, Trigger Cut, Frack, Bovine Nightmare, Work Party,  and Bondbreakr.  Stream the release at Bandcamp and pre-order the vinyl at the link below.

A Future of Bad Men: a Melvins Tribute track list:

Grizzlor – “Oven”

Night Goat – “Antioxidote”

Doctor Monster – “Night Goat”

Olde – “Hooch”

Trigger Cut – “Lizzy”

Frack – “Revolve”

Bonvine Nightmares – “The Bit”

Work Pary – “Skin Horse”

Bondbreakr – “Bride Of Crankenstein”


About Black Donut Records:

Black Donut Records, “a micro label for the odd, the heavy, the noisy” was launched in 2021 by Morey Straus to promote rising underground bands he had come across on social media and Bandcamp. The debut release on the label was World Without End: a Tribute to Samhain. Straus runs the label from his sofa on the weekends with shipping assistance from his two children. His day job pays the bills, so he is able to focus the label on passions, not margins. The fledgling label has since signed the Pennsylvania avant-metal act BOVINE NIGHTMARES for their 2023 debut album. In between those two releases, Black Donut is publishing another tribute compilation; this time a love letter to the godfathers of grunge, Melvins. Featuring an array of heavy bands spanning genres from noise rock to doom, each provides a unique take that will have Melvins’ fans falling in love with these classics all over again.