Exhumed is streaming a new version of “Necromaniac,” off their forthcoming Gore Metal: A Necrospective 1998-2015, out February 10, 2015 via Relapse Records, here.
Proclaims guitarist/vocalist Matt Harvey,
” ‘Necromaniac’ was a song that we felt best exemplified what we were going for on Gore Metal: Possessed and Repulsion ripoff riffs, grunts, screams, whammy bar obnoxiousness, and a traditional song structure. Hence why we chose it for the album’s leadoff track. We’ve played the song countless times live throughout the years and I don’t hate it yet, which is a good sign! This version is a lot more listenable and coherent, which may or not be a good thing depending on your taste. Anyway, if all that sounds like your kind of thing, give this revamped version a listen!”
The band will be joining Napalm Death, Voivod, Iron Reagan and Black Crown Initiate on their forthcoming North American tour, which dates can be found here.