Relentless Metalcore prodigies Of Mice & Men have been through the wringer with their share of lineup changes, so a lockdown surely isn’t enough to break the united strength they have built. Conversely, it has only fed their resolve as they announce their plan for an EP trilogy, the first one titled Timeless. Prioritizing quality over quantity, Timeless (Sharptone Records) places Metalcore’s simpler times in a new context by using its nostalgic facets to tell a story we can all relate to today.
Opening with the title track, ominous leads and rhythmic chugs paint vivid imagery of the restlessness the world has been enduring for the past year. Vocalist and bassist Aaron Pauley transforms his scuffles with prolonged isolation into hard-hitting poetry; “Is this what it’s like to shed your skin, to be reborn adrift in a sea of noise, unable to remember what came before?” While his screams naturally capture that collective frustration, his cleans deliver ambitious Arena Rock melodies to maintain a spark of hope.
Next is the arduous ‘Obsolete’, driven by meaty palm-mutes, blustering verses, and an epic chorus. The instrumental-centered bridge is what truly makes the song, though – smooth basslines and looming synths explode into a monumental coalescence of sounds with muffled screams layered underneath. It’s easy to miss certain elements with so much going on, so be sure to listen again with headphones.
Closing track ‘Anchor’ shows a more dynamic side of the band’s experimentation. Alternating between keyboard twinkles, electronic drums, vigorous guitars, and flourishing melodies, it feels like a whirling spiral of emotions as Pauley sings of searching for purpose. A desolate atmosphere lingers as the song fades out, making for a compelling finish that leaves you anxious for the next EP.
Timeless is a short but sweet example of Of Mice & Men’s journey into new sonic realms, using the world’s current state to dig deeper into their creative potential. If the following EPs continue this development, the trilogy will definitely leave a significant mark on their discography.
Buy and stream the EP here:
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