Vince Edwards has worked for Metal Blade Records for over a decade and has worn many hats: publicity, marketing, radio promotion, content creation and much more. Dumb and Dumbest episode #115 is an interview with Vince Edwards and he gets granular about social media, advertising strategy, and marketing for bands. Hosted by Matt Bacon (Dropout Media, Ripple Music, Prophecy Productions)and Publicist Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR) Dumb and Dumbest is a daily music industry podcast. Matt and Curtis also run The Music Marketing Challenge, a low cost, super high-value private training to bands and artists. Get hands-on practical experience to market your band like a pro!
For more information:
Curtis wants you to check out his new social media guide:
Matt thinks you should check out his eBooks:
Matt and Curtis’ favorite books and marketing and success:
Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill:
Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson:
Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port:
Or if you want a great sounding podcast, or merely want to improve
your web calls, grab this mic I use from Blue, it’s badass!