CONCERT REVIEW: Igorrr – Melt-Banana – Otto Von Schirach Live at The Crofoot


It was a pleasant, late summer evening in Metro Detroit last Wednesday when a hubbub started at the Crofoot. The cherished multi-venue complex was hosting Igorrr’s long-awaited Spirituality & Distortion Fall 2023 run. A multitude of folks paraded into the music hall ready to finally see this act that has been absent for too long. This independent concert space was a supreme choice to cater the wildly unique and epic sounds of French musician, Gautier Serre.


The acclaimed IDM solo artist, Otto Von Schirach opened the evening. The Bermuda Triangle born musician kicked things off in a titillating and colorful way. The crowd was zinged with his eccentric, semi-danceable electronic sound. He looked like a mad scientist as he leaned over his table of tools that produced everything from breakcore to hip hop. He also moved about the stage in an avant-garde way. His fur hat jostled about as he hip thrusted and heaved out otherworldly vocals. The expression of toleration could be seen on many faces, but there were some who genuinely connected with the one-of-a-kind artist. Some loudly applauded at the end of his set. Either to be glad he was done or because they appreciated such an uncommon performance.


The exoticness of the night continued with Tokyo’s own Melt-Banana. This rock band has been around since the early 90’s and they were on stage knowing exactly what they were doing. Frontwoman Yasuko Onuki commanded the room with her high-pitched howling and use of a handheld MIDI controller. Her energetic and penetrating screeches cut through the large roar coming from Ichiro Agata’s guitar. Their experimental sound boomed bombastically from the large speakers that sat on milk crates with a distinct disarray. The fusions of punk, rock, electronic, pop, and many others all washed over the crowd with guts and might. Many stood nearly still as they concentrated on Agata’s elaborate pedalboard and Onuki’s operating skills of the colorful, wireless controller that governed the use of the duo’s backing tracks. The heavy effects, snappishly short songs, and vivid light show made the set fly. They raised a raucous from the audience and left the stage looking grateful. 

The room rumbled with anticipation and all were clearly ready for the headliners. By the time Serre himself took his place among his many instruments, all excitedly cheered. What started out as a one-man act is now a prosperous full band and when all five of the members took the stage a ferocity was unleashed. It has been over three years since their last full-length album came out and to finally hear numbers from Spirituality and Distortion (Metal Blade Records) was a magnificent treat. The way Serre blends contrasting genres to create these cohesive, massive, and elegant pieces is astounding to witness live. The use of Baroque twisted with Metal on ‘ieuD’ and the Yann Tiersen vibe on ‘Cheval’ showcases the real masterful mixing and originality Serre is capable of. To see him in the center spotlight working his magic was enamoring.



Mezzo-soprano, Mathe Alexandre shined on stage as she delivered her majestically heart wrenching vocals. She carried the crowd as her passionate pipes soared and waned. She captured the manic and delicate nature of Serre’s work exquisitely. The blend of her high notes with JB Le Bail’s growls was a perfect picture of beauty and the beast. Both gorgeous and enticing. Even with the band’s several lineup changes occurring in recent years, the cohesiveness between members was felt in their confident delivery. Hits from the latest release were received with delight. ‘Downgrade Desert’, ‘Nervous Waltz’, and ‘Very Noise’ all shook the room with grandeur. Madness ensued as a storm swirled full of synths, strings, and spectacular singers throughout the set. The cocktail of genres created endless goosebumps of pleasure. The passionate and dynamic show ended all too soon. The crowded music hall woke up from their memorization to applaud the quintet as they took their final bows. Let’s hope this talented, genre-bending band returns to the US sooner than later. 


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