BACON BLOODY BACON: Matt Bacon on 3 Ideas to Email Your List

Everyone seems to know that they need to be sending emails to their email list, but they don’t know what to write. I wanted to break this down for you in a simple and easy way so that we could sit down and analyze some of the most effective types of emails that you can write to foster a relationship with your fans.


Ultimately what people don’t realize is that you can use emails for any variety of things. On the one hand – yes your email list can be used to sell, and we will talk about that. However, you can also use your email list to get people to check out different channels you run or even to just talk to some of your fans.

3. Using Email Lists For Direct Sales

Email lists are a great way to sell – especially for bands since so few bands actually take advantage of this amazing platform. You want these emails to sound as personal as possible. Share your own opinions about the thing you are selling and go from there. People want to hear your voice, they don’t want you trying to be all corporate. That’s dumb.

Every email you write should be about a specific piece of merch and it should be highly personalized and clearly outline the benefits of this piece of merch, not the features. That is to say – your thrash metal hoodie may have a cool design, but you will be better served talking about how it shows the world you are a devout metalhead committed to their scene.

2. Using Email To Boost Other Channels

Odds are you have a good-sized email list just from Bandcamp sales and similar. Why not email your list and ask people to following you on Spotify or Youtube? Or ask people to maybe leave a comment on your Bandcamp?

The people who are on your email list aren’t there by accident. They want to hear more from you. Legally, in most cases, they had to opt into your list in the first place! So reach out – tell them about some of your relevant online platforms and see who is willing to go in, check you out and give you some love!

1. Using Email To Create A Direct Fan Relationship

This is the other big one that I find very interesting – using your email list to build a direct fan relationship. It’s surprisingly easy to do this one right and it can really move the needle for your band when you attack it.

Literally – half my goal with my list is to make people stop viewing me as ‘internet marketing guy Matt Bacon’ and instead view me as ‘The homie Matt Bacon.’ I do this by asking the people on my list of direct questions. Things like, “How are you doing in COVID?” “What bands should I sign?” or “Tell me about your pets!” Stuff like this converts surprisingly well.

As you can see your email list is for more than just press releases. Your email list represents a unique way to engage with people in a way that they aren’t normally engaged with by bands. This makes for some very exciting and interesting prospects and has me continually eager to delve deeper into selling to my list. Why don’t you do the same?


Read Matt’s other Bacon Bloody Bacon blogs here:

Matt Bacon is a consultant, A&R man, and journalist specializing in the world of heavy metal. Having worked with everyone from Glam Rock icon Phil Collen of Def Leppard, to post Black Metal titans Alcest, by way of legendary thrashers Exhorder as well as labels including Prophecy Productions and Ripple Music, he has dedicated his life to helping young bands develop. Having started his own blog at the age of 14 he views his career in artist development as ‘a hobby that got out of hand’. In 2015 he formed Dropout Media in order to better support the artists he loves. We sit here now, years later with countless tours booked, records released and deals signed, and loving every minute of it.

For more information:

Dropout Media

Dropout Merch

Dumb and Dumbest Podcast

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