ALBUM REVIEW: Vosforis – Cosmic Cenotaph


Hello friends, hope all is well, let’s dive right in. 

This week on the block we have, hailing from the U.K., Voforis with their debut cut Cosmic Cenotaph (Inner Hell Records). Studying up on this one, the project is led by Simon White, and I learned he is joined by former Cradle of Filth members such as guitarist Richard Shaw, vocalist/keys player Anabelle Iratni, drummer Adrian Erlandsson (also of At The Gates and The Haunted) on one track, and famed Cradle producer Russ Russell, so I went in with some preconceptions as to what I was in store for. 

I will say those preconceptions were definitely met, but it was what exceeded those ideas that left the biggest impression on me. Vosforis on this cut throws out the rule book completely. The ability to move seamlessly between genres is the motor that powers this album. Moving from Black to Death, Doom, Sludge, this album has a dog from every yard. 

And I know I forgot Industrial and even though that’s definitely in there as well it isn’t shoved down your throat like some Industrial acts choose to do; it’s in there but more as a supporting role adding flavor here and there rather than standing out alone. 


Their ability to move from the dark and evil to a solid groove will stand out but they never lose that evil dissonance that lurks in the background. Right around every corner, the spooky and haunting quality is always with you. 

This is scary movie music. Another notable element that stands out is the definite presence of inspiration and a nod to those who came before, which coupled with the ability to keep it simple when it needs to be kept simple gives this cut the legs to support that motor I spoke of earlier. 


Vosforis does not try to be something they are not. They melt faces and pick when it’s time to melt, have the ability to pull it back, switch time, stomp out a march, or simply slip into a well-placed groove. There are a couple of killer guest spots on this cut as well, augmenting the writing with excellent playing. 

All in all, this album has a lot of elements that lend to its playability and its replayability. I look forward to their future endeavors. 


Buy the album here:


8 / 10
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