ALBUM REVIEW: Replicant – Infinite Mortality

Okay, I openly confess,  I may have dropped the ball. But what do you mean, you ask? Well, there’s a long laundry list of brain farts on my part so I should clarify. Apologies to a couple of ex-girlfriends beforehand as said list includes my lack of communication. That out of the way, I’m shocked that it took this long for Replicant to come to my attention. This Garden State unit has been around for 10 years so you would think that my decades-long travels on the heavy music highway would have warranted a listen or two. But thankfully on Infinite Mortality (Transcending Obscurity Records) I’m correcting the oversight.

It just feels weird as I’m a New Yorker who loves Death Metal and Hardcore. I also enjoy other New Jersey rabblerousers like The Dillinger Escape Plan, Overkill, and Burnt by the Sun, so Replicant should’ve been in my wheelhouse by now.

And now you’re impatiently asking what’s the big deal?

Well, the big deal is that a track like “Shrine to the Incomprehensible” sounds like Gojira suddenly taking a fine interest in slam and mosh pit politics. It’s a number that functions both as a rhythm guitar circuit workout and the perfect motivation for your drummer to get off his ass and start practicing twice a day. Then there’s something like “Reciprocal Abandonment” that has an opening that can displace more water than an aircraft carrier and has violent blast beat sections that can be characterized as chain gun like or military grade. Upon first inspection, it felt like the high that Kataklysm have been chasing for years but just haven’t been able to replicate.

“Planet of Skin” – which must be one of the most metal titles ever devised – closes out Infinite Mortality and while it has plenty of Morbid Angel meets Gorguts running throughout, there are quiet moments to let one reassess that last thirty-plus minutes. But don’t keep your head down too long as Michael Gonçalves’ tortured howls are always lurking around the corner.

Replicant, I apologize. I wasn’t familiar with your game. 

Buy the album here:


9 / 10