ALBUM REVIEW: Inexorum – Equinox Vigil


Nailed it. On first listen of Equinox Vigil (Gilead Media), I suspected this to be the work of one man, two at most. Wrapped up my first listen and immediately checked online only to confirm that Inexorum is indeed a two-person operation and from the Midwest no less. Those drab icy winters would likely compel a musician or two to abandon polite society and embrace extreme metal whole hog.

And then I took another listen. 

Naturally that led to an additional spin while commuting to work. Next thing I know it’s in my CD player again on the way home. It appears that Inexorum are on to something. Why is the production on this alleged Black Metal album so crisp and tasteful? Are those melodic guitars I’m hearing? No way that the Kvlt crowd takes this one sitting down. There’ll be riots in the streets, or at least aggressive bickering on some forums and Twitter accounts.

And they can fuss about it as much as they like, but know they’re missing out on jams like ‘Creation Myth’ and ‘Such Impossible Sights’ that sound as good or better than a lot of major studio artists. Never thought I’d equate a black metal song to being beautiful outside from some select Emperor cuts, but that’s my descriptor for ‘Creation Myth.’ 

But never mistake Inexorum for being not heavy or aggressive as the opening bit of ‘Until There’s Nothing Left’ will have you seeking concussion protocol. It may have you seeking guitar lessons as well with Carl Skildum unleashes some surprise shred towards the end. Skildum keeps the lead guitar flowing throughout ‘Dark Sky Sanctuary’ and rips a solo more in line with The Jester Race era In Flames than Gorgoroth

So go ahead and give Equinox Vigil a few listens and notice something new on each spin.

Buy the album here:

9 / 10