Ghost Cult Magazine has launched a crowdfunding campaign with Patreon to improve our brand and continue our path to providing the best music website experience for our fans possible.
We have created rewards that are good worldwide, for donations as little as a one dollar per month. We are only trying to improve ourselves, but this will not change what we do. will always be free for all. Check out our message below from Chief Editor Keith Chachkes, what cool rewards you can snag and what the campaign funds will go to.
Since 2012, Ghost Cult Magazine (or has covered music from a journalistic point of view. We have done this on a shoe-string budget, with many hours of work, heart and soul, crowd sourced from a totally volunteer staff of almost sixty people from around the globe, including North America, Western Europe, and Scandinavia. Although we are known for covering a lot of rock and metal bands, we actually support all kinds of artists, from the underground all the way to major label artists. We have done such with only a little advertising, and a high level of journalistic integrity. Considering the majority of the most popular music websites are driven by huge advertising budgets, web traffic pyramid schemes, click-bait posts, and TMZ style gossip fake news; our website is both loved by fans and respected by artists for our approach which is to never be any of those things. We write about and report about the music you love, without any of the BS., the way it should be!
Some of the donated money will go to:
New and improved web hosting services
A dedicated server just for our website
Cloud-based CDN tools, so our global website is faster all over the globe
Ghost Cult merch to help promote brand awareness
Improvements leading up to a new website redesign in 2017
The funds to help us to bring back our beloved Digital Magazine!
The right equipment to start-up the Ghost Cult Podcast
And much more!
More details for the campaign and reward levels can be found at this link! Thanks for the support!
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