How cool is this! Ukraine’s XII Months zoo now features an amazing statue of Slayer’s Tom Araya! We have no clue why this statue is in a zoo, of all places, but who really cares? This would rule if you put it anywhere on this planet! Check out the photos below!
The zoo even posted about it on their Facebook page!
Here’s the Facebook post translated: “Dear friends, we have finally finished our discussions and alterations, and can say – a sculpture by Tom Araya in our park is completed and submitted for your critical inspection. I can not tell you how hard it was and how much we argued about the accuracy of, say, shape the beard or Tom guitar. I put the results of our work on the official website of Tom, I have heard that he is now back from Chile and the rest before the European tour – perhaps peep us. At least mileyshaya San core Araya (wife) told me that she liked. . God forbid. . . I also told her how things were arguing about any details on the sculpture and even joked that thankfully there that at the concert – and if the sculpture called, for example, Tom on the beach. . . .In general, write (those who are interested) as we have got. I am pleased that Ukraine has paid attention to the whole army (mullions) Slayer fans and Tom. Take a look at his website
and all approval. Propaganda, war ensemble, burial to be
Via Loudwire