When it comes to the Northern Ireland metal scene one of the most respected bands are Londonderry four-piece, Triggerman, who have had some A&R men seriously tempted in the past to sign them…
For those new to Triggerman they are a four-piece who deliver hard rocking groove in buckets. And with singer Bap, they have cornered the market in ‘Preacher Metal’ as the vocalist and guitarist releases gruff rants as if from the pulpit. The opener on this three-track ‘Origins’ is the perfect example of this, as Bap challenges the stories of where humanity came from.
‘The Lazarushian’ allows Niall (guitar), Rory (drums) and Dixie (bass) to swing like Glenn Miller playing Hawkwind. The EP closer, ‘Valhalla’ is an ode to the afterlife, where according to Bap there’s rock ‘n’ roll, whiskey and beer. As a follow-up to their last album, ‘Hail to the River Gods’ this EP is a perfect exposition of where Triggerman are: still rocking, still playing ‘Preacher Metal’.
Jonathan Traynor