Today Is Your Last Chance To Win Monolith on The Mesa Music Festival Tickets

Wovenhand, by Hillarie Jason

Monolith On The Mesa Music festival is creeping up fast, taking place this weekend in Taos, New Mexico! Today marks your last chances to win FREE weekend passes to the festival, courtesy of Ghost Cult! To enter all you have to do is find our contest post on Facebook ( and tag a friend you want to take with you! Contest ends at Midnight tonight (5/15)! Taking place May 17-18 with Pre-Festival Party On May 16th, the fest includes stellar acts from across multiple sub-genres including stoner rock, heavy psych, doom metal, sludge, drone, and retro roc such as Om, The Obsessed, Dead Meadow, The Well, Tia Carrera, Wovenhand, Pinkish Black, Castle, Crypt Trip, EYE, Wino solo (unplugged), True Widow and many more! Tickets on sale at the links below. The fest is located at Taos Mesa Brewing (The Mothership and Taos Tap Room) the festival features both indoor and outdoor stages and adjacent camping facility visual artists include Christian Ristow, Christina Sporrong, JP Rodman and the Mad Alchemist Liquid Light Show. The venue opens daily at 11 am and the headliner’s set ends at midnight both evenings and promises all of the action set the high desert mesa in full view of the Sangre de Christo mountains. Enter to win now! 

May 17-18 With Pre-Festival Party On May 16th 

After party Friday May 17th with Lisa Bella Donna on the Hammond organ!

After party Sat May 18th Lord Dying and Year of the Cobra 10$ advance $12


The festival features an indoor stage (400 people capacity) and an outdoor “earthship” amphitheatre which holds 1,500 people. This allows an intimate experience for guests and performers. Music will begin daily at 11:30 am and will alternate between the indoor and outdoor stages. Hotel Luna Mystica is located adjacent to the venue and offers guests camping and the exclusive “Monolith Experience” in the form of a custom, vintage trailer park. Vendors can be found on both properties and will include artisans, record labels, food trucks and more.

Dates And Times:

Box office opens at 9 am Friday and Saturday.

Venue doors open to the public at 11 am Friday and Saturday.

Thursday May 16th 2019 Preshow Party Doors Open At 6 Pm

Prey For Kali- 6:15-6:45

The Horned God- 7:00-7:30

Teeth- 7:45-8:15

Article 15- 8:30-9:00

Beard- 9:15-9:45

Red Mesa-10:00-10:30

Black Maria- 10:45-11:15

Black Magic Flower Power- 11:30-12:15

Friday May 17th 2019

Outside Stage: Om- 10:30-12:00

Inside Stage: Wino Acoustic-9:45-10:30

Outside Stage: Dead Meadow-8:45-9:45

Inside Stage: Tia Carrera-8:00-8:45

Outside Stage: Wovenhand-7:15-8:00

Inside Stage: Stone-Deaf- 6:30-7:15

Outside Stage: True Widow- 5:45-6:30

Inside Stage: Lord Buffalo- 5:00-5:45

Outside Stage: Green Druid- 4:15-5:00

Inside Stage: Oryx- 3:45-4:15

Outside Stage: Weeed 3:00-3:45

Inside Stage: Supergiant- 2:30-300

Outside Stage: Spirit Mother- 1:45-2:30

Inside Stage: You- 1:15-1:45

Inside Stage: Via Vengeance- 12:30-1:00

Inside Stage: Deep Cross- 11:45-12:15

Saturday May 18th 2019

Outside Stage: The Obsessed- 11:00-12:00

Inside Stage: The Well- 10:15-11:00

Outside Stage: Heavy Eyes- 9:30-10:15

Inside Stage: Pinkish Black- 8:45-9:30

Outside Stage: Eye- 7:45-8:45

Inside Stage: Itcos- 7:00-7:45

Outside Stage: Castle- 6:15-7:00

Inside Stage: Palehorse- 5:45-6:15

Outside Stage: Crypt Trip- 5:00-5:45

Inside Stage: Communion- 4:15-5:00

Outside Stage: Pharlee- 3:30-4:20

Inside Stage: Loom- 2:45-3:30

Outside Stage: Yatra- 2:00-2:45

Inside Stage: Sorxe- 1:30-2:00

Outside Stage: The Munsens- 12:45-1:30

Inside Stage: Dysphotic- 12:15-12:45

Inside Stage: Devil’s Throne-11:30-12:00

Art Installations:

Christian Ristow

Christina Sporrong

JP Rodman

Event Listed Online:


May 16th: Pre-party Show ticket at $25

May 17-18 Two Day Pass at $125

May 17-18 Two Day Pass with camping access at $155

May 17th (Day One) Single Day Pass at $70

May 18th (Day Two) Single Day Pass at $70

Rain or shine event! No refunds!


Sponsorship opportunities are available to companies and organizations that share the festivals outlook on music and consciousness.

Magical Tattoo-Taos, New Mexico’s premier tattoo shop.

Black Arts Toneworks-Amp Smashers Union: Handbuilt Electric Guitar/Bass/Keyboard distortion/boost and fuzz pedals.

Worshiper Cabinets: blood, sweat, volume.

Hotel Luna Mystica: vintage trailer and starlight campground.

El Monte Sagrado: Northern New Mexico’s most exclusive luxury resort.

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