PODCAST: Glacially Musical 183: Photographer Sean Rayford on His New Zine – Long Live New Brooklyn Tavern

Sorry about Keefy’s audio and some video stuff. He is having issues

We interrupt our series on Queen for a chaser episode! Sean Rayford is a photographer from South Carolina, by way of Maryland, and has put out a zine, “Long Live New Brooklyn Tavern” documenting his time shooting punk and metalcore shows at a small club! We discuss his career, concert photography, shooting some of the biggest names in music ever (Prince, Taylor Swift, Aerosmith & Elton John to name a few), his other photography and zine endeavors, and more!Continue reading

PODCAST: Episode 41: Dave Brockie (Oderus Urungus) Tribute Episode

This weekend (August 30th) GWAR will unveil a public memorial monument to the late Dave Brockie, a.k.a. Oderus Urungus, in his hometown of Richmond, Virginia, on what have been his 56th birthday. Hollywood Cemetery (412 S Cherry St, Richmond, VA). All are invited to the unveiling, and to a free party the next day, August 31st, at the GWARbar (217 W Clay St, Richmond, VA). As a tribute to Dave, we are running our never before released full audio interview between Dave and Ghost Cult’s Omar Cordy. An excerpt of this long chat ran in issue #15 of Ghost Cult Magazine in 2014, when he passed away. As one of the last interviews he ever did, Dave conducted the interview as Dave (not Oderous, which is rare) and talked about his entire career, coming up in the old-school DC Punk scene, the music industry, valuing art over business, the late Cory Smoot, and his prophetic plans for GWAR to continue on without him in the event of his death. Rest in Power Dave! Hail Oderous!Continue reading

Maximum Rocknroll Will Cease Being A Monthly Print Zine After 37 Years



Often cited as the bible for Punk Rock and alternative music fans since the 1980s, Maximum Rocknroll has announced that after three more issues, they will cease being a print zine. What started as a radio show a the dawn of Punk in 1977 will come to a close. They made an announcement on their website, which you can read below. This will happen later in 2019 and will be the first time since the zine was founded in 1982. They will continue to operate in the meantime as a website. All music websites have the history of zines and indie newspapers, championing great music journalism and a genuine love of the scene in their DNA. At Ghost Cult, this news saddens us to no end. Continue reading