PODCAST: Glacially Musical 208 – Nik’s Most Expensive Vinyl Unboxed and Revealed

In this episode, get in the time machine (no, it’s not a glass of whiskey) with Nik and Keefy as we discuss Nik’s most expensive and valuable vinyl picks from his collection! We also explain the mythical and majestic “Finger Fudge Pour!”Continue reading

PODCAST: Glacially Musical Pouredcast 104: Metallica Vinyl Club: “Live at The Bridge School Benefit 1997” – Unplugged


Interrupting our current series, we got the new Metallica vinyl club release in the mail, and Nik and Keefy quickly teamed up to unbox, listen, and review it! We give our raw unbiased opinion of the release, and we judge the entire value of the Metallica Vinyl Club so far. Will we renew for 2023, or not? Watch and find out!Continue reading