SOS Fest XII ā€“ Part II ā€“ The Longfield Suite, Prestwich UK

The third and final day of SOS is more of a classic rock day, although it features fewer bands for me that I was aware of than yesterday. Today is more of an adventure day, and Iā€™m hoping for some discoveries. Continue reading

Amplified Festival Books Jinjer, Conan, Flotsam And Jetsam, Memoriam, And More

Eric A.K. of Flotsam And Jetsam

Amplified Festival rolled out a series of major final lineup announcement today over social media, for the 2019 edition of the fest. Headliners and support acts such as Conan, Flotsam And Jetsam, Memoriam, Jinjer have been added, with a full list below. Tickets are on sale now! Continue reading