Having emerged as an exciting young black metal band amidst the infernal chaos of the early 90s Norwegian scene, Satyricon have, over the years, dared to do what many of extreme metal’s purists would scold them for; change. Needless to say, the band have faced more than their share of criticism for the shifts in their sound, and while it’s true that their much rawer early material is still generally regarded more favourably, there is still a huge audience for Satyricon, and one which will be awaiting their newest offering with baited breath.Continue reading
Tag Archives: The Age Of Nero
The Age Of Satyricon – An Interview With Satyricon
Pushing musical boundaries is at the heart in everything that moves and motivates Norwegian Black Metal outfit Satyricon. Their latest self titled album may well be their most forward-thinking and progressive offering to date. Ghost Cult touched base with singer and main composer Satyr to probe his mind on the new Satyricon record, the merits of analog recording, his dislike for pop music among many other things.Continue reading