Cavalera Conspiracy Is Recording Their New Album Right Now

Max Cavalera recently told FaygoluversHeaven that he is currently working on the new Cavalera Conspiracy record with his brother Igor. The legendary front man went on to say, “it’s gonna be a beast of an album. We’re gonna try to make the best one of all, and make just an awesome, in-your-face great record.

According to a post on Marc Rizzo’s Facebook page, the guys are currently recording that beast of a new album right now!Continue reading

Paradise Lost Is Recording Their New Album Right Now

Paradise Lost blew everyone away two years ago with the release of The Plague Within, and now they’ve officially started recording the highly anticipated follow up. Continue reading

Wintersun Releases Three Parts Of The Forest Seasons Documentary

Wintersun will be releasing a new album this year, and now we know a whole lot more about the upcoming record. Continue reading

Eddie Hermida: The New Suicide Silence Record Is My Most Favorite Thing I’ve Ever Done.

Photo by Meg Loyal Photography

Suicide Silence will be releasing their self-titled album on February 24th via Nuclear Blast Entertainment, and as Mark Heylum previously said, “It’s going to completely change everything you probably ever will think, and have thought, or ever will fucking feel about the band.Continue reading