German based hard rock and blues band Zodiac are fairly new to the music game but are already getting some recognition for recalling classic sounds. Sonic Child (Prosthetic) is their third album and where they really start to find their footing.
The intro ‘Who I Am’ is interesting in that it encompasses all the different sounds and feelings the listener recognizes in the rest of the album. It falls nicely in between spacy and bluesy.
Although the songs in the beginning of the album are good, the group finds its real groove in the later half. ‘A Penny and a Dead Horse’ is more country, not only in lyrics, but also instrumentation. It eventually becomes more rock oriented. One can hear the Pink Floyd influence. “Good Times” is reminiscent of Led Zeppelin’s early work, especially in the lyrics. Vocalist and guitarist Nick van Delft evens sings “Good times, bad times.” Another blues trademark appears in ‘Just Music’ is where the obligatory “sold my soul” claim is made. Finally, ‘Rock Bottom Blues’ is exactly what the title suggests: a heartfelt blues song with hints of Pink Floyd’s Darkside of the Moon.
Sonic Child is a great album for those looking for a newer blues influenced act to listen to. Zodiac are at an advantage in that they will attract both the hard rock and the blues audiences.