PODCAST: C-Squared Podcast Epsiode 279 – Milton Mendonca of Prog Power USA

Cis a new podcast series from the minds of Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), Cori Westbrook focusing on helping bands with their music marketing, sales, and promotion. Curtis and Cori are frequently joined by Holly Royle, Aliyah Daye, Effy Gold, and Gaia Guarda. In this episode – Aliyah and Curtis interview Milton Mendonca of Prog Power USA!Continue reading

PODCAST: C-Squared Podcast Epsiode 278 – Interview with Jon Davis of Conan

Cis a new podcast series from the minds of Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), Cori Westbrook focusing on helping bands with their music marketing, sales, and promotion. Curtis and Cori are frequently joined by Holly Royle, Aliyah Daye, Effy Gold, and Gaia Guarda. In this episode – Holly and Curtis interview Doom Metal legend Jon Davis of Conan!Continue reading

PODCAST: C-Squared Podcast Epsiode 277 – How to Effectively Communicate With Media

Cis a new podcast series from the minds of Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), Cori Westbrook focusing on helping bands with their music marketing, sales, and promotion. Curtis and Cori are frequently joined by Holly Royle, Aliyah Daye, Effy Gold, and Gaia Guarda. In this episode- Aliyah, and Curtis discuss how your band can communicate better with the media!Continue reading

PODCAST: C-Squared Podcast Epsiode 276 -The 5 Biggest Wastes of Time and Money For a Band

Cis a new podcast series from the minds of Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), Cori Westbrook focusing on helping bands with their music marketing, sales, and promotion. Curtis and Cori are frequently joined by Holly Royle, Aliyah Daye, Effy Gold, and Gaia Guarda. In this episode- Aliyah, and Curtis discuss the five biggest wastes of time for your music career.

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PODCAST: C-Squared Podcast Epsiode 275 – Hustle Culture vs Balance

Cis a new podcast series from the minds of Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), Cori Westbrook focusing on helping bands with their music marketing, sales, and promotion. Curtis and Cori are frequently joined by Holly Royle, Aliyah Daye, Effy Gold, and Gaia Guarda. In this episode- Aliyah, and Curtis discuss when work/life balance in your music career.

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PODCAST: C-Squared Podcast Epsiode 274 – When to Get PR (An Accidental Masterclass)

Cis a new podcast series from the minds of Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), Cori Westbrook focusing on helping bands with their music marketing, sales, and promotion. Curtis and Cori are frequently joined by Holly Royle, Aliyah Daye, Effy Gold, and Gaia Guarda. In this episode- Aliyah, Holly and Curtis discuss when to hire a PR and how to help your campaign succeed.

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PODCAST: C-Squared Podcast Epsiode 273 with Zoe Federoff of Catalyst Crime and Cradle of Filth

Cis a new podcast series from the minds of Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), Cori Westbrook focusing on helping bands with their music marketing, sales, and promotion. Curtis and Cori are frequently joined by Holly Royle, Aliyah Daye, Effy Gold, and Gaia Guarda. In this episode- Aliyah, and Curtis interview Zoe Federoff of Catalyst Crime and Cradle of Filth

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PODCAST: C-Squared Podcast Epsiode 272 – Listening To Music Critically with Kevin Stewart-Panko

Cis a new podcast series from the minds of Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), Cori Westbrook focusing on helping bands with their music marketing, sales, and promotion. Curtis and Cori are frequently joined by Holly Royle, Aliyah Daye, Effy Gold, and Gaia Guarda. In this episode- Aliyah, and Curtis disccuss lsitening to music with a critical ear and music journalism with sometome co-host Kevin Stewart-Panko. Continue reading

PODCAST: C-Squared Podcast Epsiode 271- Planning Your Release

Cis a new podcast series from the minds of Curtis Dewar (Dewar PR), Cori Westbrook focusing on helping bands with their music marketing, sales, and promotion. Curtis and Cori are frequently joined by Holly Royle, Aliyah Daye, Effy Gold, and Gaia Guarda. In this episode- Aliyah, and Curtis disccuss planning your next release. Continue reading