There are few things we love more at Ghost Cult than some great drone and doom music. Add to that and entire convention celebrating HP Lovecraft’s 125th birthday, well you know we’re gonna be in full-bliss freak out mode. All these things came together at the NecronomiCon in Providence, RI. The Lovecraft convention also coincided with the launch of Earth’s latest headline tour, so what a treat for folks in the northeastern US to see them on our coast. Led by Dylan Carlson, Earth’s dizzying blend of drone, doom, folk rock and other weirdness is just immaculate in a live setting. The band continues to tour behind their acclaimed 2014 release Primitive and Deadly (Southern Lord). Joining them are local doom masters Elder, who recently released Lore (Stickman Records), possibly their best album yet. Elder is really just too good to be a mere cult favorite and really deserves wider renown then they have earned. Both venerable bands were joined by The Assembly of Light Choir and Owlfood to round out this all around great evening of music and mysticism. Thanks to Hillarie Jason for these great photos of the proceedings.

Earth, by Hillarie Jason

Earth, by Hillarie Jason

Elder, by Hillarie Jason

Elder, by Hillarie Jason

Assembly of Light Choir, by Hillarie Jason

Owlfood, by Hillarie Jason
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