Album Stream: Crom Dubh – Heimweh

crom dubh

London based epic/melodic black metal horde Crom Dubh is streaming their debut album Heimweh, out now via Ván Records. Stream it here.

Recorded by J. C. Volgard (Scythian, Craven Idol) in the Summer and Autumn of 2013, Crom Dubh’s first full-length opus Heimweh presents forty-five minutes of majestic yet menacing northern black metal with an incredible storyline to overthrow fans of Dissection, early Summoning, Taake, Drudkh, Tsjuder, Carpathian Forest and the like.

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Crom Dubh Streaming “Cutting Teeth II”

crom dubh

London epic black metallers Crom Dubh is streaming “Cutting Teeth II,” off of their debut full length album Heimweh, out now via Ván Records below.

Recorded by J. C. Volgard (Scythian, Craven Idol) in the Summer and Autumn of 2013, Crom Dubh’s first full-length opus Heimweh presents forty-five minutes of majestic yet menacing northern black metal with an incredible storyline to overthrow fans of Dissection, early Summoning, Taake, Drudkh, Tsjuder, Carpathian Forest and the like.

Heimweh Track Listing:
01. Cutting Teeth I
02. Cutting Teeth II
03. The Invulnerable Tide
04. Kings I
05. Kings II
06. Sedition
07. Heimweh
08. Fathorn
09. Sailing To Byzantium

S. O’Fairdehaigh – bass, vocals
A. Haege – drums
S. Vrath – guitars
M. Beonetleah – guitars, vocals

Crom Dubh on Facebook
Van Records on Facebook
Van Records on Bandcamp