One of my more favorite quotable lines of recent memory comes from Avengers: Infinity War. Spoiler alert for those who have not seen it, or lived under a rock. When Thor meets the Guardians of the Galaxy, ends up on their ship The Milano, and engages in some snappy banter,, this is the thing tickling my funny bone. When Thor exclaims they need to proceed to Nidavellir, and when posed with the reply that’s a made-up word, he replies “All words are made up.” This is not only funny but it’s true! And it made me think about what else, music. Specifically how all sub-genres are made up and in context to all the music we hear. One year after their sizzling debut, it’s time to enjoy this bitching brand new and totally badass High Reeper album, Higher Reeper (Heavy Psych Sounds).Continue reading