Felix Griffin is a drumming legend of Hardcore Punk and Crossover Thrash Metal. He has been a drummer with D.R.I. on some classic albums, and played with a host of other bands, recently with BAT and M.O.D. Classics. In a brief chat with Felix, he explains the basis of the new project MOD Classic with founding M.O.D. members, eventual plans for the project, the progress of recruiting a new singer, hopes for touring, how corporate interests ruin music, balancing a family and work in music, as well as Felix’s other projects such as playing on the recent BAT release and his new work with The Krum Bums. We appreciate Felix’s time as well his patience as a parade passed by our office right before we spoke! Continue reading
Tag Archives: BAT
BAT Streams Their Entire New Album – “Axestacy”
Crossover Thrash fans rejoice! BAT, featuring current and former members of Municipal Waste and D.R.I. Is streaming their entire new album Axestacy (Hells Headbangers Records)! BAT is a fun, aggro take on modern thrash that deserves your attention to these concise, well-written tracks! Continue reading