Roadburn Festival Adds Minsk, Mount Salem and Worm Ouroboros To Lineup

roadburn festival 2015 logo

Roadburn Festival has added Minsk, Mount Salem and Worm Ouroboros to their lineup for Thursday, April 9, 2015 at the 013. Goatwhore, Downfall of Gaia, Cortez, Fister and Moloch have been added at Cul de Sac.

However, Lord Mantis will no longer be performing and Fistula will be taking their place on April 11, 2015.

Curated by Ivar Bjørnson (Enslaved) and Wardruna‘s Einar “Kvitrafn” Selvik, Roadburn Festival 2015 (including Fields of the Nephilim, Anathema, Skuggsjá, Enslaved, Wardruna, Claudio Simonetti’s Goblin performing Dawn of The Dead and Susperia in its entirety, Zombi, Sólstafir, White Hills, Bongipper, Floor, Eyehategod and The Heads as Artist In Residence among others) will run from Thursday, April 9 to Sunday, April 12, 2015 at the 013 venue in Tilburg, The Netherlands.

roadburn 2015 thursday apr 9roadburn 2015 friday apr 10roadburn 2015 sat apr 11



roadburn 2015 sunday apr 12

Artist Costin Chioreanu Book Released At Roadburn Festival 2015

costin book

Svart Records will be releasing Magic As A Golden Mean, a book with selections of Romanian artist Costin Chioreanu’s  at the 2015 Roadburn Festival in Tillburg, Holland at the 013 venue on April 9 to 12, 2015.

Chioreanu has been creating art for avant-metal and dark psychedelia for bands such as Darkthrone, Ulver, At The Gates, Triptykon and Opeth.

Comments the artist himself,

“This is my first book, and it contains a fine selection of mixed media arts I made in the last years. After 12 years of working with bands, booking agencies, festivals, record labels, promoters, and studios, I realized the common denominator of the events in my creative life is indicating actually the golden mean. Working with same passion and dedication for dark and light entities made me realize that I am always the one in the middle, and I will always need both sides in order to evolve to a higher state of understanding of the world around me. So, the artwork selection was divided in three big chapters – one is related to darkness, one is related to light, while the closing one is related to magic and the middle path. So, in my case, the ‘golden mean’ represents the magic of manifestation, the desirable middle between two extremes, marked by darkness and light.”