Skraeckoedlan Share “Universum” Video; Celebrating 10 Years Since their Debut


Swedish progressive/stoner band Skraeckoedlan released their new single, “Universum”. The song originally appeared as “Universe” on 2011’s Äppelträdet album. Skraeckoedlan — guitarist/vocalist Robert Lamu, guitarist Henrik Grüttner, bassist Erik Berggren and drummer Martin Larsson — recorded their parts separately over video and then compiled the track. Watch the clip now at The Obelisk.

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Although having a catalog mainly consisting of Swedish tracks, Skraeckoedlan quickly gained momentum outside their native country. With over 300 gigs all around Europe, including headline tours and performances at renowned festivals such as Desertfest, Sonic Whip, Borgholm Brinner, and Høstsabbath, as well as support gigs for Graveyard, Kadavar, Orange Goblin, Kylesa, Greenleaf, Monolord and Danko Jones, Skraeckoedlan has made a name for themselves in the heavy underground scene.


In addition to the release of “Universum”, the band is set to re-release their entire debut album “Äppelträdet” with all Swedish lyrics. The English tracks have been completely re-recorded, and the album has been re-mastered by Cult of Luna drummer Magnus Lindberg. “Äppelträdet” will be released as a 10 year anniversary vinyl by The Sign Records in summer 2021.

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