Mere months after forming and announcing their existence to the world, Deathcore Supergroup Project: Vengeance, the project formerly known as The Big Six, has released its debut single, “Cut. Bleed. Repeat”. You can listen to the single now at the links below. The track was Written, Produced, and Mixed by Luke Fiadino and Mastered by Joel Wanasek. The current lineup for Project: Vengeance is Will Ramos of Lorna Shore, Taylor Barber of Left To Suffer, Dickie Allen of Infant Annihilator, Darius Tehrani of Spite, and Tyler Shelton of Traitors. Listen to the track now!
Six deathcore/metalcore vocalists headline up the project, including:
Will Ramos (Lorna Shore)
Joe Badolato (Fit For An Autopsy)
Taylor Barber (Left To Suffer)
Dickie Allen (Infant Annihilator)
Tyler Shelton (Traitors)
Darius Tehrani (Spite)