Iron Maiden Teases Their 2024 Tour Plans


In a comical new video, Iron Maiden has teased their touring plans for their 2024. Prior to their appearance at last weekend’s Power Trip Live Festival, the band hinted they might do a smaller theater tour of to perform only their 2021 album Senjutsu (EMI/Parlophone). The new video is reminiscent of a similar teaser video around the same time in 2019, when the band planned to do Rock In Rio and many European music festivals again. Several members of the touring crew, Nicko McBrain, and even Eddie the ‘Ed are all asked where are they going to go on tour next year. Their recent tours from the band includes “The Legacy of the Beast Tour” and “The Future Past Tour” in back to back years with many hits and a few new songs in the setlist. Check out our recent coverage of Iron Maiden here, and here. Watch the video below, and stay tuned for a new announcement soon.