Spaceship Playlist: Kemble Walters Of Ages


Kemble Walters of Aeges, by Melina D Photography

Ghost Cult Magazine asked a bunch of artists “if you were getting into a space ship tomorrow and never coming back to Earth, and you only had one record to listen to or a handful of records to listen to forever, what records would you take with you?”

Recently we asked Kemble Walter of Aeges what would be on his Spaceship Playlist?

Kemble: One of my all time favorite records is Grand Turismo (Stockholm Records) by The Cardigans I always have it on auto play on my phone. It’s the Cardigans Which one? Oh, I’m trying to remember. It’s like the last record they put out. Long Gone Before Daylight (also Stockholm Records)! It’s pretty awesome and rad too. I’m a huge Cardigans guy, man. I’m obsessed with the Cardigans.


Kemble: Great writing, great songs. They’re freaking riffs are unreal. If I had to choose a couple, it would be one of those records whichever one was in front of me at the time. It would be one of those. Superunknown by Soundgarden (A & M) because they’re whole record, front to back is incredible. The last Queens (of the Stone Age) record …Like Clockwork (Matador), and let me add Quicksand – Slip (Polydor), you’ve got to do Quicksand, because it was dope.

It’s great to hear some Quicksand love.

Kemble: Anything Walter (Schreifels) does I feel is just, it’s his voice and the way that he plays and phrases his melodies is just, everything is so good. I’ve got so many like different island jams, like I’m obsessed with the latest Miguel record. I don’t know if you’re into Miguel at all?


Quicksand, by Melina D Photography

Quicksand, by Melina D Photography

I know who he is, yeah.

Kemble: He’s like an offbeat guy, but he uses a lot of shredder musicians. It’s just cool. It’s got a vibe. A lot of people don’t like him, especially in our scene. I like everything. You’ve got to have a jam for every mood.




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