Inferno Music Conference Announce First Panels and Delegates

Inferno Metal Festival Norway has revealed the first of its Inferno Music Conference (IMC) panels and initial delegate list for 2025. The organisers have now confirmed three panels: In Defense of Valhalla (with Icelandic President, Guðni Th. Jóhanesson), Smashing through walls: Metal in the Middle East, and Festival Presentations. Further panels in the works include Publishing 101, The OG Metal Label Giants, Women In Live Music, Smells Like Team Audit: A Guide to Accounting, and Metal In Sync, with many more to come. Keep reading below for more information.

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Dive into an unparalleled lineup of sessions, speakers, and exclusive networking opportunities. This year, IMC is enhancing your experience with more networking parties and a metal fashion show, among other exciting additions. Already 90 delegates are confirmed for Inferno Music Conference 2025. Check out the current delegate list here:

In Defense of Valhalla: Join us as we revisit the lecture originally presented by President of Iceland Guðni Th. Jóhanesson at the University of Warsaw in 2020, entitled Defending Asgard, Independence and Human Rights. The Use of History In Current Affairs. The President himself will be present as we discuss how hate groups are claiming old Norse symbolism for their causes and using it as beacons of hate. More panellists are to be announced.

Metal in the Middle East, and Festival Presentations: A killer panel discussion on the diverse heavy metal scene in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), highlighting regional talent and industry growth. Discover how MENA metal is breaking barriers and making a global impact.

Festival Presentations: Learn from emerging and expanding festivals worldwide.  One participant this year is Jarne Brauns // Party.San Open Air Festival (DE). 🤘 Interested in presenting your festival at the 2025 Inferno Music Conference? Contact