Iced Earth has finally confirmed that their new album, Incorruptible, will be hitting stores on June 16th. What can we expect? Jon Schaffer previously said this about the upcoming record, “I have a very strong gut feeling about this, and so does everybody in the band, that this is one of the really special ones. So I put it up there with ‘The Dark Saga’ [1996], ‘Something Wicked This Way Comes’ [1998], ‘Dystopia’ [2011] — it’s in that league of records — so it’s really gonna be something special, man. I know musicians always say that, but there is something going on here, so it’s cool. We’re all very excited about it.”
The legendary band will be releasing the first single later this month, but for now, you can check out the track listing, cover artwork, and live debut of the opening track below!
Incorruptible track listing:
01 – “Great Heathen Army”
02 – “Black Flag”
03 – “Raven Wing”
04 – “The Veil”
05 – “Seven Headed Whore”
06 – “The Relic (Part 1)”
07 – “Ghost Dance (Awaken The Ancestors)”
08 – “Brothers”
09 – “Defiance”
10 – “Clear The Way (December 13th, 1862)“