With Italians Forgotten Tomb headlining for Swedes Isole and Ereb Altor, tonight was all about three of the finest examples of modern doom, blackened doom and black metal. There is nothing healthier than seeing a venue rammed for an opening band at 7.30 pm. Isole is pure avant-garde brilliance, this unadulterated doom outfit sounds solid with their ‘The Lake’ and ‘By Blood’. They summon up a thunderous wall of sound, blending together muddy vocals and intricately layered guitar compositions. Bassist Jimmy Mattsson, guitarists Daniel Bryntse, and Crister Olsson’s drenched vocals hang in the air as an eerie calm descends over the venue. Those well schooled in black metal history will of course recall (and treasure) Bathory as the pioneers.
Ereb Altor is Isole with added Bathory, black marks and demonic glow. The band succeeds in powerfully contaminating gloomy notes with heavier and often faster hints of barbaric attack. Even the vocals have a very Bathory-esque timbre, making ‘Balder’s Fall’ and ‘The Mistress Of Wisdom’ two of the finest renditions of the evening. Ereb Altor cuts an imposing presence on stage, it’s hard to believe that these guys are the same as the ones that just performed as Isole. Anger and emotions fuel their raw set until the end.
Italy’s blackened doom metal pride takes the name of Forgotten Tomb. They impersonate their music style wholly, however they are captured in a variety of stylistic expressions. Their set shows a consistent effort, precision and solidity. Frontman Ferdinando “Herr Morbid” Marchisio bestrides the stage, charging through the crowd amid a blur of ear-splitting guitar spells and bewildering vocals, whirling the Garage into frenzy. As their set takes off with ‘…And Don’t Deliver Us From Evil’, the cavernous sound and imposing reverb are hellishly battered out in chaotic assaults. Bassist Alessandro “Algol” Comerio and drummer Kyoo Nam “Asher” Rossi’s ferocious immediacy is the fuel that gets the pit fired up. Forgotten Tomb certainly delivers a set to loose yourself in, the sinister fervour and the arcane mystery compelling until the end. It’s hard to believe this is their first ever London show, hopefully the first of many to follow.
Forgotten Tomb – Ereb Altor – Isole
London, Upstairs At The Garage
May 6th
Marcus J. West
Photo: Fabiola Santini
Ereb Altor – Facebook
Isole – Facebook
Forgotten Tomb – Facebook