New England Metal And Hardcore Festival 19, At The Worcester Palladium

The long running New England Metal And Hardcore Festival held its 19th annual event recently and the lineup was excellent. As usual, fans came from all of New England and even further reaches of musicdom to hangout and rock at the grand old lady of music venues in Massachusetts, The Worcester Palladium in Worcester, MA. Hillarie Jason covered the festival once again for Ghost Cult and shot the awesome pictures for this piece!

Day one was shorter, but certainly powerful with thrash legends like Testament, Sepultura, Prong (on their collective tour stop together) and hardcore bands like All Out War, Kublai Kahan, No Zodiac and more!

All Out War, by Hillarie Jason

All Out War, by Hillarie Jason

Prong by Hillarie Jason


Prong by Hillarie Jason

Sepultura by Hillarie Jason

Sepultura by Hillarie Jason

Sepultura by Hillarie Jason

Testament by Hillarie Jason

Testament by Hillarie Jason

Testament by Hillarie Jason

Testament by Hillarie Jason

Saturday was strong top to bottom in terms of talent. With locals like Begat The Nephilim and bands that normally headline smaller shows such as Delain, Swallow The Sun, Battle Beast, and Leaves Eyes.

Begat the Nephilim, by Hillarie Jason

Delain, by Hillarie Jason

Delain, by Hillarie Jason

Swallow the Sun, by Hillarie Jason


Swallow the Sun, by Hillarie Jason

Battle Beast, by Hillarie Jason

Battle Beast, by Hillarie Jason

Leaves Eyes, by Hillarie Jason

Leaves Eyes, by Hillarie Jason

Local post-metal greats Caspian broke up the day with their unique sound and set, far apart from melodic power metal or the proggy bands to follow.

Caspian, by Hillarie Jason

Caspian, by Hillarie Jason

An absolute murderer’s row of talent followed late day into night as Hammerfall, Amorphis, and Katatonia all followed.

Hammerfall, by Hillarie Jason

Hammerfall, by Hillarie Jason

Amorphis, by Hillarie Jason

Amorphis, by Hillarie Jason

Katatonia, by Hillarie Jason

Katatonia, by Hillarie Jason

Katatonia, by Hillarie Jason

Finally Sabbaton brought out the big guns, but not their tank and their played their triumphant set to close out the night!

Sabaton, by Hillarie Jason

Sabaton, by Hillarie Jason

Sabaton, by Hillarie Jason

Sabaton, by Hillarie Jason