END OF YEAR GUEST POST: Corey Pierce of God Forbid and Disciples Of Verity – Top Albums of 2023

We are still wrapping up all the goodness of 2023 with some fun guest posts from bands, friends, and fiends! Our bro – drummer and producer Corey Pierce of God Forbid and Disciples Of Verity has a lot of plates spinning for 2024 with shows, new music, and more! Check his list of top Albums that came out in 2023.

In Flames – Foregone:

Cattle Decapitation – Terrasite:

Sylosis – A Sign Of Things To Come:

Obituary – Dying Of Everything:

Suffocation – Hymns From The Apocrypha:

Katatonia – Sky Void Of Stars:

Cannibal Corpse – Chaos Horrific

Orbit Culture – Descent:

Baroness – Stone:

Avenged Sevenfold – Life Is But A Dream: