Crowdfunding Campaign For Laid Off Team Rock Staffers Hits Goal

Yesterday Ghost Cult broke the news that Team Rock, publisher of mainstays of European music periodicals such as Metal Hammer and Prog Magazine, was going out of business and have laid off their entire staff, just ahead of the holidays. A crowdfunding campaign was launched at JustGiving, and it hit over its £20,000 goal in less than one full day, and then some! It’s now over £51,865 thanks to the support of the metal world! 

With over £50,000 raised as of press time, it is sure to put a dent to the crushing blow for our peers in the music journalism and concert photography world.  Metal Hammer has been in existence since 1983, and if it ceases to be, it will be a loss. Below is the back story on the campaign.


Today, 73 members of the Team Rock staff were told that the company is going into liquidation and that they are being made redundant with immediate effect with ZERO pay. These are good, hard-working, committed people that through Metal Hammer, Classic Rock, Prog Rock, TeamRock Radio and more, have supported the rock and heavy metal scene in this country for decades and now we, the rock community, need to pull together to help give something back.

Please spare what you can so that everyone may enjoy the festive spirit.

You can make a donation here!