Choke Up Streaming “KC”

choke up pic

Choke Up is releasing their debut full length release Black Coffee, Bad Habits via Black Numbers on February 3, 2015, and is streaming “KC” here.

The band has booked a string of live dates, which are posted below:

JAN 23: Golden Tea House – Philadelphia PA (w/ Captain, We’re Sinking, Sing, Bird Of Prey, Address)
JAN 24: O’Brien’s – Boston, MA (w/ Pile, Raw Blow, Loom)
JAN 29: The Red Door – Portsmouth, NH (w/ Lady Bones, Zauberehexe, Drug Dogs)
JAN 30: Legion – Brooklyn, NY (w/ Banquets, Living Room, Never)
JAN 31: The Boneyard – Atlantic City, NJ (w/ Grower, These Branches, Basket, After The Burn, Sons, Too Late)