ALBUM REVIEW: Dodsrit – Nocturnal Will

Dodsrit began as a solo project for ex-Totem Skin multi-instrumentalist Christoffer Oster, who recorded and released two highly acclaimed records – Dodsrit (2017) and Spirit Crusher (2018). 

The talented Swedish musician had reportedly become disillusioned with the touring lifestyle following the end of Totem Skin, and initially created Dodsrit purely as a studio project. However, the superbly crafted music he recorded soon gained recognition in the European Black Metal scene. 

Something eventually changed in Oster’s mindset and in 2018 he took the decision to turn Dodsrit into a fully fledged band, forging a partnership with Amsterdam-based Wolves of Hades head-honcho Georgios Maxouris, himself a talented guitarist and vocalist in the metal scene best known for his work with Destructo and Nuclear Devestation, as well as his label which had also released music from Totem Skin back in the day. 

Joining the pair were fellow Destructo bassist Jelle Soolsma and drummer Brendan Duffy. The collective worked together and wrote Mortal Coil which was released in 2021 on Maxouris’s label. Nocturnal Will (Wolves of Hades) is the fourth record from Dodsrit, and the second written together as it once again showcases Dodsrit as one of the finest of their craft. It’s immediately noticeable from the opening bars of “Irjala” that Dodsrit are further exploring a classic Heavy Metal sound, as Iron Maiden-style dual guitars get things rolling. 

This influence from Maxouris was certainly touched upon in Mortal Coil, but it’s clear from the beginning of “Irjala” as well as what we’d already heard on the album’s pre-singles “Nocturnal Fire” and “Celestial Will”, that Dodsrit are diving deeper into the traditional Metal influence than ever before. 

When the blast-beats and rasping vocals drop on “Irjala”, it is an intriguing concoction, and when the frenetic pace drops and the lead guitars coil themselves around the vocals, the music is absolutely intoxicating. At over ten minutes, the song provides a mesmerising journey with a complex arrangement which ebbs and flows, full of emotion, intricate leads and long passages of progressive-instrumental sections. 

Dodsrit have absolutely gone for it with their opening composition, but thankfully the high standard they set is maintained throughout. “Nocturnal Fire” continues in similar fashion, blending Black Metal styles where melodic uplifting passages are matched with moments of pure ferocity. The song provides a succession of guitar scrapes to signify changes in tone, and a vintage-sounding solo which evokes memories of the late great Randy Rhoads.   

At the midway point of the record, the band deviate from Black Metal completely, with an interlude of sorts. “Ember and Ash” plays out with a short classical guitar passage – a little like the intro to Metallica’s “Fight Fire With Fire.”It then bleeds into the instrumental “Utmed Gyllbergens Stig” – where the Iron Maiden influence seems prevalent once again. 

The blackened energy of the release returns on “As Death Comes Reaping,” albeit this time with a slow and thoroughly menacing intro. The percussion then builds with precision alongside deep and haunting tremolo guitars, with the song taking its time to introduce the vocals which eventually arrive with tortured screams. 

“Celestial Will” closes out the release, and Dodsrit drop us straight into the action with clattering percussion and deeply passionate vocals once again. The record plays out with an intricate and uplifting instrumental section, closing an album that is perfectly paced from start to finish … and I honestly cannot fault it!

Buy the album here:

9 / 10