Bay Area Thrash-Metal legends Vio-lence performed last night for the first time with their new lineup. (Saturday, April 13) at the Oakland Metro in Oakland, California. Video footage of the concert, as well as the pre-gig soundcheck, can be seen below (courtesy of Capital Chaos TV and Walter Morgan. The current band lineup now consists of guitarist Phil Demmel, vocalist Sean Killian, bassist Deen Dell, drummer Perry Strickland, and guitarist Ray Vegas. Former member Robb Flynn of Machine Head was in attendance but didn’t perform. The band has booked has several more shows scheduled for the coming months, including a second Oakland date today (Sunday, April 14); a European appearance at the Alcatraz Hard Rock & Metal Festival in Kortrijk, Belgium; shows with Sacred Reich in Los Angeles and Phoenix; and concerts shows in Brooklyn, New York.
Holy Fuck video coming incredible Vio-lence Oakland @Hell4DeathMetal @Katy_Ann_Snake @kimbohellyeah @M6NSTER @MoMetalTrax @SICKBASTARD3 @ChrisGoMetal @Randy73481620 @666Harps666 @TheComicHunter @Darksun_always
(@jfield1869) April 14, 2019
Well how about Sean Killian … Vio-lence vox let's roll OAKTOWN @Hell4DeathMetal @666Harps666 @Katy_Ann_Snake @Metallibanger @ChrisGoMetal @NeCrowSadistik @Randy73481620 @Darksun_always @SLAYERSWINE @the_kristinar @MoMetalTrax @M6NSTER
(@jfield1869) April 14, 2019