A new trailer has been released by the makers of the upcoming Queen biopic – Bohemian Rhapsody, due out this November. The movie tells the life story of Freddie Mercury and history of the legendary Britsh rock band, arguably the best band ever. Mr. Robot actor Rami Malek stars in the film as Mercury. The film releases from 20th Century Fox on November 2nd. The film is directed by Eddie The Eagle director Dexter Fletcher.
Greg Brooks, Quen’s official archivist, was part of this process and he worked with the band and the movie production team on a daily basis for months to recreate every tiny detail of each scene and to make it as authentic as possible. He commented:
“My role was to give the Fox ‘props’ team access to authentic QUEEN tapes, notes, handwriting, memorabilia, costumes and photographs — anything and everything remotely useful — which they could then create replicas of, to dress various sets”.
“Like QUEEN, the Fox team were obsessed with detail; getting every aspect of every scene perfectly right. With costume, for example, they didn’t just cover the basics; it meant sourcing precisely the right pair of blue denim jeans for 1972, with the correct belt, socks and footwear. And thus, from us, they needed every photograph we had of QUEEN relaxing off stage. ‘What photos do you have of Roger’s socks, Greg?’ is the type of question that came at me, and that wasn’t even one of the strangest.”
“Working on this project with such a brilliant gathering of dedicated talented people was a rare privilege. Fox have created a QUEEN universe that is scarily convincing. It is real in every way that it could reasonably be.”