Video: Gus G Shares “The Quest” Video And Kicks Off His Solo Tour


It’s a big day for the incredible Gus G. The Firewind and Ozzy Osbourne guitarist just uploaded his video for ‘The Quest,’ and will be kicking off this solo headlining tour tonight in New York City. Here’s what he had to say about all of this: “Today is a very exciting day for me — not only it’s the start of my solo tour in the U.S. (with Angel Vivaldi), but the premiere of my new video for ‘The Quest’. This is a very special track, as it’s the only instrumental from my ‘Brand New Revolution’ solo album, and it’s an over-the-top, high-energy metal track, with tons of shredding, big melodies and crazy arrangements. Since the album release, people have been telling me how much they’ve been enjoying this song, so I decided to make a video for it!

“Working with the iCode team in Serbia was a great experience and our goal was to make a crazy, cinematic, action packed video inspired by some of my favorite ’80s cult classic films like ‘Mad Max’, ‘Conan The Barbarian’ and ‘Highlander’. If you’re into any of these movies, I’m sure you’ll dig this video! Plus, is there a guitar player on this Earth that wouldn’t wanna kill bad guys with his guitar superpowers?”

Enjoy ‘The Quest‘ right now, and get your tickets now to see Gus G melt faces with Angel Vivaldi on their new tour! The dates are on the poster below!
