Video: Crowbar Releases Falling While Rising From The Serpent Only Lies


Crowbar unleashed The Serpent Only Lies to the world last week, and once again they’ve proven that they are an unstoppable force in the scene. As Kirk Windstein said in our recent interview, he approached this record with an old school vibe, and the end result is one of 2016’s heaviest, and best releases. Today the NOLA legends have unveiled the first video off the new album, and you can view the ‘Falling While Rising’ clip below. If this doesn’t get you more excited for their upcoming tour with Goatwhore and Lillake in December, I don’t know what will. This is heavy done right!

In case you missed my new interview with Kirk Windstein, you can watch it again below!

Pick up your copy of The Serpent Only Lies today!

Crowbar The Serpent Only Lies album cover ghostcultmag