Two Men Arrested for The Murder of Jam Master Jay of Run DMC


Hip-Hop Legend Jam Master Jay’s murder outraged the music community for almost 20 years, sparked an ongoing investigation, a Netflix documentary, and constant pressure from family and fans to get the case resolved on behalf of the slain Run DMC DJ. According to published reports, federal prosecutors on Monday will announce the indictment of two men who have long been suspected of participating in the murder of Jam Master Jay, whose real name was Jason Mizell. The men, Ronald Washington and Karl Jordan, Jr., were indicted on charges of murder while engaged in drug trafficking, according to two law enforcement officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Mr. Washington, 56, is currently serving a federal prison sentence for robbery. Mr. Jordan, 36, was taken into custody on Sunday. In addition to creating some of the greatest albums of the early rap era, Jay had a direct impact on the music and fashion style of the much-imitated group. We’ll continue to track this news.