Acclaimed atmospheric black metal band Twilight Fauna have announced they are working on a new album, due later in 2018. The band gave an update via their Bandcamp page, which you can see below. The new album will be the first new music since their split release with Evergreen via The Fear and the Void Recordings last year, and the follow up to their last full-length album The Year The Stars Fell, which came out almost a year ago.
“Greetings everyone. It’s been almost a year since The Year the Stars Fell released so I thought it a good time for an update. A lot of life changes in that time. A move. Setting up a new studio in a much more remote location. In the midst of that, over the course of the last 2 years, Josh and I have been quietly at work on a follow up full length that is finally done and at the pressing plant. More on that later but it will release late this summer and will close out the story that started with The Year the Stars Fell.
In the meantime, new embroidered patches have been added to the bandcamp store. There’s also about 10 copies of the last LP left. There will be no repress on that. I’ll let y’all know when the new record drops. It will be the last full length for a very long time. Until then, thank you for the support. Take care of each out there.” -Paul R.