Tommy Vext is Out of Bad Wolves 

According to a report by MetalSucks, Tommy Vext has announced a split with Bad Wolves. In a now-deleted livestream on Instagram that was picked up and shared by fans, Tommy announced he is leaving the band. Apparently, the stream did not indicate whether Vext quit, was fired, or the split was mutual. Sources who saw the live broadcast reported to Metal Sucks that Vext claimed his conservative political views caused a rift with his bandmates and their record label, Better Noise, “and that he felt leaving the band was his only option. He said that Bad Wolves will continue without him, that he will launch a solo career, and claimed to have written all or most of the band’s new record himself (whether he was talking about their 2019 album, Nation, or an unreleased future effort isn’t clear).” (All via Metal Sucks). Tommy drew notice from fans and journos in the last few days during the unrest in the Country as fans asked him about his relationship with the other band members and Tommy claimed to be one of the sole songwriters of the group and most of the other band members were his employees. The band has not replied to a request for comment by Metal Sucks. 

Check out our interview with Tommy, in better times in 2018, for their debut album Disobey (Better Noise).