Yoshiki’s “Yoshikimono” Selected By Tokyo National Museum For Special Kimono Exhibition


World-renowned artist and singer Yoshiki will see his “Yoshikimono” line appear at an exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum from June 30th to August 23rd. The Tokyo National Museum’s special “KIMONO” exhibition will include “Yoshikimono” designs from the Japanese superstar. Yoshikimono 2020 designs represent “The Modern Era” In Collaboration with American comic book icon Stan Lee and Japanese Anime Attack On Titan. The Stan Lee comic book Blood Red Dragon, was created by Lee and based the comic on Yoshiki.Continue reading

The Music World Reacts To The Death Of Stan Lee

Comics legend Stan Lee passed away today at age 95. Arguably the greatest storyteller fo the 20th century and well, Lee’s impact on the world through Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios superhero movies will live on forever. Since comics have had an indelible effect on music, naturally a lot the music world has reacted to the sad news. Continue reading