Idolatry. Top (left to right): Nox Invictus (Guitar), Daemonikus Abominor (Drums), Lycaon Vollmond (Guitar), and Center: Lörd Matzigkeitus (Vocals) – Photo credit: Pandemic Photography (Kevin Eisenlord)
Edmonton, AB black metallers Idolatry is streaming their music video for “Clefs au Chambre de Tristêsse,” created by NVS Productions from Nashville, Tennessee, who has also produced videos for Wormreich (US), Hades (Norway), and Borgne (Switzerland) below.
‘Infection Born of Ending’ a 7’ split with Columbus, Ohio black metal group Unrest featuring the unique Idolatry track is available to purchase through BigCartel. There will only be 40, hand numbered copies available.
Track Listing
Side A: Unrest – Of Filth
Side B: Idolatry – Clefs au Chambre de Tristêsse / …Once Thought of Webs
Idolatry on Twitter
Idolatry on Last.fm
Idolatry on Bigcartel