MetalBandcampGiftClub is Raising Money for Bail and Legal Funds and You Can Donate to Win Prizes

Our pals at MetalBandcampGiftClub ( are at it again, unifying the metal community, and raising money for a great cause! The crew has launched a Bail Fund Raiser supporting Bail and Legal Funds Nationwide. Several of the metal world’s heavy hitters banded together to donate prizes, and Ghost Cult is humbled to have been included in this fine company such as Heavy Blog is Heavy, Hot Blooded Podcast, Last Rites Zine, Perfect World Productions, and Ken Kopija, (Inhale The Heavy). Your donation to the cause enters you to win, so pitch in for a great cause and maybe win some cool new giftcards from Bandcamp! MBGC has already raised 1,275.69, but much more is needed. Please donate what you can! The contest ends on June 30th.  We want to help families stay together, and keep people out of jail simply because they can’t afford bail.Continue reading