We’ve spent a lot of words here at Ghost Cult discussing “Doom Folk” as one of the strongest sub-genres in music right now. Naturally, like all forward-thinking and risky music, we now see the fans catching up to the visionary artists, not the other way around, One such visionary is singer/songwriter Conny Ochs, who has a legion of admirers and collaborators that reads like an underground music all-star team. We have followed his career closely, and Ochs may be about to reach another creative summit with his new album, the appropriately named Doom Folk, out next week 15th of February from Exile On Mainstream. Ochs will be touring extensively in 2019, celebrating 20 years of Exile on Mainstream, including a highly anticipated return to Roadburn Festival this April. We are honored to share his latest single ‘King Of The Dead’ with our readers! Continue reading