Ben Koller Of Converge and Mutoid Man Breaks His Elbow, GoFundMe Launched

Ben Koller is one of the greatest drummers in music today. A tireless player and entertainer who is the engine of bands such as legends Converge, and the fast on the way to being legends Mutoid Man. Sadly, Ben may be out of action for quite a long time as he broke his elbow in what is being termed a freak accident and is looking at a ton of recovery and rehab, and time spent off the road. The road is where Ben, like most working musicians in metal, make most of their money to live. Now Ben’s fellow Mutant Stephen Brodsky has helped launch a GoFundMe campaign, to raise the money needed to get him on his feet in this difficult time. Being the holidays and times being what they are, please give what you can. And if you can’t donate right now,  we ask you to share this post and the link below with as many friends as you can who might like to support Ben. Thanks! Continue reading